甲骨文OCP培训长沙卓应教育OracleOCP培训课程简介:OCP专家认证资质是oracle数据库的专业认证,由于oracle在it行业中有着不容置疑的oracle认证一直被认为是*高等级的IT认证,获得oracle认证如同获得名企职业绿卡,能够迅速踏入金领阶层,美国certification杂志对10000名读者做的调查显示,获得oracle认证技术人员所在it从业人员中的薪金水平*高,他们平均年薪达到62000美元,比为微软中级认证高出17%。在中国,根据目前oracle数据库产品的市场份额,未来2-3年至少有10万的oracle ocp人才缺口。课程特点 全部源自原厂技术的知识讲解和运用 完全按照实际生产需求开发的课程体系 具有丰富实战经验的师资 以鲜明为导向的教学方法,全真实环境 国际先进的认证考试体系 丰富的企业就业资源, 以及配套的就业服务如果你想 寻找越老越吃香的职业发展道路 不用常年累月加班,有跟多时间来陪家人 不用作为程序员时刻面对不断出现的新需求和新bug 职业成就感 跨入高级数据库技术–oracle无任何数据库基础 从事oracle dba职业的在大学在校学生(专业不限制) 转行成为oracle dba 月薪6k-18k 进入外企,银行,软件公司、国企从事it信息技术管理工作2013年7月oracle database 10g 最后一个psu结束支持,卓应已于2013年5月份升级为11gr2版本。课程内容: Cource Agenda D49996GC20_sg1 Day 1 Introduction Retrieving Data Using the SQL SELECT Statement Restricting and Sorting Data Using single-Row Functions to Customize Qutput Using Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions Day 2 Reporing Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions Displaying Data from Multiple Tables Using Joins Using Subqueries to Solve Queries Using the Set Operators Day 3 Manipulating Data Using DDL statements to Create and Manage Tables Creating Other Schema Objects D49994GC20_sg1 Day 4 Introduction Controlling User Access Managing Schema Objects Managing Objects with Data Dictionary Views Day 5 Manipulating Large Data Sets Managing Data in Different Time Zones Retrieving Data by Using Subqueries Regular Expression Support D50102GC20_sg1-2 Day 6 Exploring the Oracle Database Architecture Preparing the Database Environment Createing an Oracle Database Managing Database Instances Day 7 Managing ASM Instances Configuring the Oracle Network Environment Mnaging Database Storage Structures Administering User Security Day 8 Managing Data Concurrency Managing Undo Data Implementing Oracle Database Auditing Day9 Database Maintenance Performance Management Backup and Recovery Concepts Day 10 Performing Dabase Backups Performing Database Recovery Moveing Data Working with Support D50079GC20_sg1-2-3 Day 11 Core Concepts and Tools of the Oracle Database Configuring for Recoverability Using the RMAN Recovery Catalog Configuring Backup Settings Day 12 Create Backups with RMAN Restore and Recovery Tasks Using RMAN to Perform Recovery Monitonring and Tuning RMAN Day 13 Diagnosing the Database Using Flashback Technology I Using Flashback technology II Performing Flashback Database Day 14 Managing Memory Managing Database Performance Managing Performance by SQL Tuning Managing Resources Automationg Tasks with the Scheduler Day 15 Managing Space Managing Space for the Database Duplicating a Database