课程目标为学员量身定制分科教学方案,精华汇总重难点题型解题技巧,完美诠释听说读写各项评分指标及时找到你出分路上的拦路虎,顺利突破出分瓶颈课程大纲擅长简单的询问和回答Be good at simple questions and answers理解英文短文Give a comprehension on English short passages运用基本词汇和语法写作Utilize basic vocabulary and grammars to write习惯英文思维模式Learn to think in English增加2000-4000 托福加分词汇Increase 2000-3000 advanced vocabulary related to TOFEL托福听力提升技巧,重点、难点分析与讲解Comprehensive TOEFL listening skills托福写作扩充,真题讲解与演练Practice the updated TOEFL writing topics, prepare for the high score夯实技巧,突破听、说、读、写瓶颈Enhance the skills and make the breakthroughs in every part of IELTS