课程亮点:A:海外大学录取保证.100% guarantee our student be accepted by overseas universities.B:注册美高学籍,美高毕业证All students register in American education system, award American high school diploma.C:高含金量美高课程体系、学校双学分课程High qualifies American high school curriculum system, multiple dual credit courses which is offered by top US universities. D:多年教育集团办学(专业、专注、诚信)Seventeen-year education group running school (professional, dedicated, honest)E:定制的升学指导(有升学保障体系)Personalized guidance for university application, make sure all students get into their dream school. F:丰富世界课堂及中华传统文化 Enriched world classes and Chinese culture knowledge. G:哈佛、斯坦福、加州伯克利等学校大咖资源 The world-class advisors` resource, such as Harvard, Stanford, UC-Berkeley. 课程: 英语、美国文字,英国方案、代数、几何、预备微积分/微积分/AP微积分、地理、世界历史、AP微观/宏观经济学、生物、物理/AP物理1,2/AP物理C、化学/AP化学